About Me
Meet EL Hefé - "The Big Boss." Hey, that is the puppet's name, the one on the left. I'm the guy on the right, and my name is Jim Phillips - AKA James Baxter Phillips III. I do not think of myself as bossy. Stubborn - yes, but, bossy - no.
El Hefé has been helping me for years with my brain training activities - which I've stubbornly kept focused in the professional fields of early childhood education, Montessori education and early learning. I do believe that brain training exercises can be used on adults - however, as a great educator once said, "You can't teach old dogs new tricks."
However, as I've gotten older - yes, I'm old, but I'm still immature - I've decided to abandon that particular branch of educational thinking. This old dog is trying to learn a few new tricks. This blog, for instance, is a new trick.
Now, I know this is the "About Me" page, so, if you want to hear what others have to say about me, then try this LinkedIn address: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/jim-phillips/2/202/27b
Since seeking recommendations for my LinkedIn profile five or six or more years ago, I have been completely overwhelmed by the positive feedback I've received from professional associates, clients, friends and social contacts that have known me over the years. But, I must tell you about one associate - and friend - who finally got around to answering my invitation - about three or four years after I had sent the invitation to him. Well, by then I had so many positive recommendations that my friend didn't know what to do - he called me and said, "I don't think I can really add anything to your LinkedIn profile, Jim. It sounds like you almost walk on water." I suppose no one wants to write anything negative and leave it on the Internet. Of course, I didn't send invitations to those that I thought who might. I told my friend, "please write something negative - you know me well enough for that." My profile was becoming a bit too unbelievable. Take what you want from my profile.
Since moving to Louisiana, I've been re-inventing myself. Of course, I'm the same person, just older, and just a bit more stubborn - but, hopefully, a bit more creative. And, that is the "why" of moving to Southwest Louisiana - to be more creative. Want to join me on my SWLA adventure? Let yourself go. I'll see you in the theater, in the classroom, on the screen, in the garden, on stage playing your instrument, on the dancefloor, in the workshop, in the gallery, at the festival, on the road, in the hood, here online. . .
Think I'll quote Mark Twain now:
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”
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